I released a patch to run Psychson on PS2251-07(2307), but since the procedure was complicated and incomplete.
Because there are too many questions, I will revisit a simplified patch file and procedure again.
Difference file
This file contains the following changes.
- PS2251-07(2307) support
- Fixed existing bug that does not work with USB 3.0
Note: This file is research material for the purpose of experiment to work Psychson’s custom firmware in PS2251-07(2307). It does not guarantee the operate. Please use it at your own risk.
“Psychson2307_diff_en” をダウンロード
Psychson2307_diff_20170401_en.zip – 11551 回のダウンロード – 4.53 KBOperation confirmation device
I confirmed the operation with the following USB memory.
- TOSHIBA TransMemory-MX TNU-B008GK
- TOSHIBA TransMemory-MX V3SZK-016G
Other necessary items
Building CFW for 2307
- Download source code from brandonlw/Psychson and extract it
- Overwrite/Add the contents of “Psychson2307_diff_20170401.zip” to the Psychson folder expanded with step 1
- Apply differences with patch command (Movie)
- Extract “FW07FF01V10153M_20140116.bin” and “BN07V106M.BIN” from “firmware_ps225107.rar” and place it in “firmware” folder
- Execute “fire2db.pl” placed in “firmware” folder (Perl 5 required)
- Run build.bat
patch -p0 < firmware-firmware2307.diff
patch -p0 < DriveCom-DriveCom2307.diff
Embedding the payload
Embed the payload file as necessary in the firmware file (bin/fw.bin) created above.
Flashing CFW for 2307
- Build DriveCom after applying the patch with VS2012
- Extract “BN07V502TAW.BIN” from “firmware_ps225107.rar”
- Open “BN07V502TAW.BIN” with hex editor and change the values of offset 0x4D85, 0x4D86 to 00
- Flashing firmware with DriveCom.exe
DriveCom.exe /drive=E /action=SendFirmware /burner=BN07V502TAW.BIN /firmware=fw.bin
Does your BN07V502TAW.BIN patch turn on scrambler only for write?
How to patch this loader to enable scrambler for reading (to get clean firmware dump)?
Change the values of offset 4D1B, 4D1C to 00
It works! Thank you!
hi, patching BN07V502TAW.BIN change the values of offset 4D1B, 4D1C to 00
dont fully disabling encoding.
On 0x600 offset 8168 bytes is encoding, than 1024 bytes encoding and again….
What is your device?
Please also let me know the result of GetInfo if possible.
By any chance do you know to fix this?
Reported chip type: 2307
Reported chip ID: 98-DE-88-A3-72-51
Reported firmware version: 1.06.10
Mode: Burner
Sending firmware…
FATAL: System.InvalidOperationException: Header not accepted
en DriveCom.PhisonDevice.TransferFile(Byte[] data, Byte header, Byte body)
en DriveCom.Startup._RunFirmware(String fileName)
en DriveCom.Startup._SendFirmware()
en DriveCom.Startup.Main(String[] args)
Please tell me MD5 of BN07V502TAW.BIN and DriveCom.exe.
Drivecom is : 20a9a597675825b0da6bdb8c499e9392
Modified BN07V502TAW: 2cd5c54ef224ae1008dce63bcfbb504b
no mod on BN07V502TAW: 98e58660ef305d2a7a5ad2c482a73722
I was using a datatraveleres 100 g3 8gb , usb 3 , now is dead.
Thanks for your reply.
The modified BN07V502TAW seems to have no problem.
It may not work with DataTraveler 100 G3.
I’ll check it out if I get that device.
Hi! I have successfully reflashed Verbatim Store N Go having PS2251-07 controller. Used pin short for entering boot mode. Hello World payload working, but I have issue reflasing to new payload. I’ve injected new payload into initially builded fw.bin, burning is ok, but I have still old payload. Is any untrivial procedure to write new fw.bin after initial reflashing procedure?
It should be the same as the initial reflashing procedure.
I got this error, please tell me what is the reason, thank you.
C:\WINDOWS\system32>c:\fw\Psychson-master\tools\DriveCom.exe /drive=I /action=SendFirmware /burner=c:\fw\fw_bn\BN07V502TAW.BIN /firmware=c:\fw\Psychson-master\firmware\bin\fw.bin
Action specified: SendFirmware
Gathering information…
Reported chip type: 2307
Reported chip ID: 98-3A-A8-92-76-50
Reported firmware version: 2.03.53
Mode: Firmware
Switching to boot mode…
FATAL: System.InvalidOperationException: DeviceIoControl failed: 048F
at DriveCom.PhisonDevice._SendCommand(SafeFileHandle handle, Byte[] cmd, Byte[] data, Int32 bytesExpected) in C:\fw\Psychson-master\DriveCom\DriveCom\PhisonDevice.cs:line 365
at DriveCom.PhisonDevice.SendCommand(Byte[] cmd, Byte[] data) in C:\fw\Psychson-master\DriveCom\DriveCom\PhisonDevice.cs:line 314
at DriveCom.PhisonDevice.TransferFile(Byte[] data, Byte header, Byte body) in C:\fw\Psychson-master\DriveCom\DriveCom\PhisonDevice.cs:line 246
at DriveCom.PhisonDevice.TransferFile(Byte[] data) in C:\fw\Psychson-master\DriveCom\DriveCom\PhisonDevice.cs:line 238
at DriveCom.Startup._ExecuteImage(String fileName) in C:\fw\Psychson-master\DriveCom\DriveCom\Startup.cs:line 403
at DriveCom.Startup._SendFirmware() in C:\fw\Psychson-master\DriveCom\DriveCom\Startup.cs:line 375
at DriveCom.Startup.Main(String[] args) in C:\fw\Psychson-master\DriveCom\DriveCom\Startup.cs:line 114
Please tell me MD5 of BN07V502TAW.BIN.
Everything went successful bt when i plug my USB nothing happens…..
D:\downloads\2307-badusb-master>DriveCom.exe /drive=F /action=SendFirmware /burner=DBN07V502TAW.BIN /firmware=fw.bin
Action specified: SendFirmware
Gathering information…
Reported chip type: 2307
Reported chip ID: AD-3A-18-03-00-50
Reported firmware version: 5.02.41
Mode: Burner
Sending firmware…
FATAL: System.InvalidOperationException: Header not accepted
em DriveCom.PhisonDevice.TransferFile(Byte[] data, Byte header, Byte body)
em DriveCom.Startup._RunFirmware(String fileName)
em DriveCom.Startup._SendFirmware()
em DriveCom.Startup.Main(String[] args)
Volume: F:
Controller: Phison PS2307
Possible Memory Chip(s): Not available
Flash ID: AD3A1803 0050
Chip F/W: 08.03.50
Firmware Date: 2018-05-11
ID_BLK Ver.:
MP Ver.: MPALL v5.35.39
VID: 0951
PID: 1666
Manufacturer: Kingston
Product: DataTraveler 3.0
Query Vendor ID: Kingston
Query Product ID: DataTraveler 3.0
Query Product Revision: PMAP
Physical Disk Capacity: 15502147584 Bytes
Windows Disk Capacity: 15489662976 Bytes
Internal Tags: 2Q6P-8X74
File System: FAT32
Relative Offset: 4032 KB
USB Version: 3.00 in 2.00 port
Declared Power: 300 mA
ContMeas ID: 5862-15-00
Microsoft Windows 10 x64 Build 18362
hi, patching BN07V502TAW.BIN change the values of offset 4D1B, 4D1C to 00
dont fully disabling encoding.
On 0x600 offset 8168 bytes is encoding, than 1024 bytes encoding and again
I’m sorry. I don’t remember. It was too long ago.